Kaiser EDP has successfully completed over 120 economic development projects over the past 15 years.
Increasing local procurement by the mining industry in West Africa – various projects Client – World Bank 2011 – 2014
After having previously completed a detailed mining local procurement assessment in Mali in 2011, the process was broadened to include development of a strategy for the whole West African region. This project involved analysis of current and potential future flows of mining goods, the mining supply chain, opportunities and constraints for increased local procurement, and an assessment of gaps in existing support. Detailed analysis was conducted on Ghana, Senegal, and Guinea. Particular emphasis was placed on policy recommendations and sharing local procurement best practices across countries in the region.
Building on these findings, in 2013/14 the focus shifted to supporting local stakeholder implementation of local procurement in the region, with a particular focus on Liberia and Burkina Faso. Kaiser EDP worked with local partners to provide detailed demand analysis, input into policy and regulation, and a supplier assessment tool.
As part of this implementation support phase, “A practical guide to increasing local procurement in West Africa” was developed. This has 8 modules covering all the key areas of decision-making when embarking on or reviewing efforts to increase local procurement. The guide formed the basis of a workshop in Abidjan with stakeholders from across the region in June 2014, which used innovative formats to stimulate active participation and dialogue.
Analysis of supply linkages between mines and local producers in Zambia Client – World Bank 2011
Kaiser completed an assessment of success factors and challenges for local supply linkages to the copper mining sector in Zambia, across mining companies, suppliers, and the wider enabling environment. The project included intensive field research and consultation with mines, local suppliers, and support entities in Zambia, followed by two workshops with stakeholders in Kitwe and Lusaka.
Assessment and strategy for public procurement from local SMMEs Client – the dti 2009
Kaiser developed baseline information on public procurement from small, medium, and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa. This included an assessment of current procurement policies and practices, including use of supplier databases, marketing approaches, structuring of tenders and application processes, payment systems, and supplier development. Available data was consolidated and a survey conducted across all spheres of government and organs of state (200 interviews), and detailed case studies developed. This resulted in development of a baseline estimate and recommendations for expanding and tracking public procurement from SMMEs.
Design Park pre-feasibility and business case
Client – Western Cape Department of Economic Development and Tourism
2012 – 2013
Kaiser EDP prepared a pre-feasibility and business case for a Design Park in the Western Cape, with elements of the design park investigated including an education facility, innovation support centre and design museum and showcasing. The project included a gap assessment; stakeholder consultation; detailed benchmarking of similar initiatives; extensive surveys of consumers, learners, students, academics, business and government user needs and requirements; option refinement and financial and socio-economic cost benefit assessments. The project has since fed into multi-stakeholder budgeting and planning for design infrastructure in the area, with initial actions including co-location of some of the design support entities.
Assessment of triple helix links supporting innovation in the Western Cape
Client – Cooperation Framework on Innovation systems between Finland and South Africa (COFISA), Department of Science & Technology
Kaiser assessed the nature of innovation links in the Western Cape among ‘triple helix’ players – academia, industry, and government. This involved mapping existing collaborations between players such as joint projects and programmes, research and innovation centres, funding, publications, and patents, resulting in a database of over 1000 organisations and units (including both local organisations and their international partners), 1,600 people, over 100 patent inventors, and close to 3,000 existing linkages. This database included an initial categorisation of entries by Field of Research (FOR) and Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) codes. Strengths and gaps were analysed and recommendations developed, with the wider aim of enhancing collaboration and improving effectiveness and resilience of the regional innovation system.
International strategies to unlock design’s value in economic development
Kaiser EDP conducted secondary research and conducted in-depth interviews to understand how various countries have defined, supported, and measured the role of design in the economy in terms of innovation, competitiveness, growth in creative industries, and export competitiveness. Countries researched included Japan, Italy, Germany, Finland, Netherlands, South Korea, Chile, Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, and Brazil. Kaiser developed conclusions on how lessons could be applied in the Western Cape, which fed into the drafting of a provincial design strategy.
Client – Dube TradePort (DTP)
2003 – 2014
Kaiser has undertaken many projects for Dube TradePort over the past ten years including the original strategy, feasibility, and business plan for the Trade Zone at Durban’s new King Shaka International Airport and a series of associated ventures and the preparation of an overall business case for the relocation of the airport. Types of analysis to support this have included: policy, legislative, regulatory and institutional review, investor requirements analysis, financial modelling, benchmarking, engaging with potential users and decision-makers, detailed market analysis including spatial and modal patterns of imports, export and freight, and development of implications for master planning and design.
In 2014, Kaiser provided input into DTP’s Special Economic Zone (SEZ) strategy position, based on organisational objectives, international benchmarking, and research on other SEZs within South Africa.
Master Plan to map Special Economic Zones across Botswana
Client – Ministry of Trade and Industry (Botswana)
2012 – 2013
Kaiser led a team that conducted an assessment of opportunities for Special Economic Zones in Botswana and provided recommendations for the development of individual zones.
The opportunities that were assessed included diamond beneficiation, financial services, corporate HQ and other business services, beef and leather, horticulture, crops, mining supplies and downstream value addition, coal exports, and coal-based power generation.
Analysis included concept refinement, identification of fatal flaws, risks and requirements for success; property analysis, GIS analysis and mapping, land requirements and site suitability, location screening, environmental analysis, and viability and cost-benefit assessment of individual SEZs (tonnages, revenues, capital and operating costs, etc.). The team also made policy, institutional, and investment marketing recommendations for the planned SEZ programme.
Facilitation of board strategy session on Lagos Airport Free Zone
Client: Nigerian Airports Handling Company (Nahco aviance)
Kaiser prepared and facilitated a strategy session with the Board of NAHCO to discuss Free Zones and refine the strategy for the Lagos Airport Free Zone. The session included understanding the typology of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) including Free Zones, concept development, participatory SWOT analysis, and identification of priorities and action steps and possible organisational models.
Kaiser also organised a site visit and meeting with Dubai Airport Free Zone management.
Client – World Bank
2011 – 2013
Kaiser researched the critical factors behind FDI-related spillovers in agriculture and mining through supply chain linkages, labour turnover, technology, and knowledge transfer. The core research involved conducting detailed surveys and stakeholder interviews in Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Chile, and Vietnam within FDI, domestic producers, suppliers, government departments, and support entities. Analysis of how host country, FDI and domestic firm characteristics impact spillovers informed the development of recommendations to maximise benefits, including policy recommendations for sub-Saharan African countries to derive greater benefits from FDI.
As a follow-on project, Kaiser mapped industry value chains in 3-4 subsectors within the agribusiness, mining, and tourism sectors for the SACU region to identify current cross-border activities and factors that contribute to regional integration.
Western Cape aquaculture market analysis and development programme
Client – SA Agri Academy
Working with an aquaculture specialist, Kaiser formulated a market development strategy for aquaculture in the Western Cape. In-depth value chain assessments were conducted for the following products: abalone, marine finfish, bivalves, trout and salmon, tilapia, and ornamental finfish. Competitiveness of local production was evaluated against specific purchasing dynamics for South Africa, China (including Hong Kong), Spain, France, Nigeria, and the USA. Opportunities and challenges for aquaculture were identified, and specific interventions to support growth were recommended.
This research has informed the approach of the Western Cape Aquaculture Development Initiative.
East London Science and Technology Park Value Chain Analysis
Client – East London IDZ
2010 – 2011
Kaiser EDP led an assessment of value chain opportunities for the East London area including aquaculture, renewable energy, pharmaceuticals, ICT and biotechnology, as well as a series of agri-processing sub-sectors (indigenous plants, livestock, vegetables, forestry, and bees). The project involved analysis of value chain structures and dynamics, consultation with global and local stakeholders, assessment of opportunities and constraints, and the development of strategic recommendations.
Trade in Creative and Cultural Industries in South Africa
Client – British Council, VANSA , European Union National Institutions of Culture)
Accurately understanding trade in creative goods and services is particularly challenging given the varying definitions and the lack of disaggregation of formal trade data for this sector. Kaiser worked with KEA to build up estimations of South African trade in and across creative and cultural goods and services sub-sectors using both primary research and secondary sources. We also assessed existing agreements, policies, legislation, and instruments that support the trade in cultural goods and services. Kaiser then made recommendations on a system for the ongoing collection of data and reporting on trade of cultural goods and services, as well as support for improving trade in creative and cultural goods and services across various stakeholders.
Scoping study on competitiveness and market development for the South African boatbuilding industry
Client – the dti
2011 – 2012
Opportunities identified include medium-sized luxury multihulls, bespoke larger catamarans, expanding supply of commercial boats (including RHIBs) to sub-Saharan Africa, and developing service offerings such as superyacht repair, maintenance, and refit.
Based on these findings key action plans were recommended to feed into the dti’s support for the sector through the Industrial Policy Action Plan.
Goods amenable to air transport in and out of KZN
Client – Dube Trade Port
2012 – 2013
Kaiser integrated various sources of trade data, including SARS statistics, IATA data and the information from DTP’s cargo terminal to develop a detailed assessment of the potential airfreight market. Structured interviews with key companies and freight forwarders highlighted the reasons behind airfreight patterns. Kaiser also designed a reporting system for the DTP Cargo Terminal. This information has enabled the DTP marketing unit to understand potential new clients and their requirements, and target marketing accordingly, as well as inform the air services strategy.
“Diamond Wind” wind farm development, Kleinsee, Northern Cape
(2010 to 2014)
Kaiser EDP, through its involvement in the WWK Development joint venture, has been involved from the conceptualisation through to bid submission of a 132MW wind farm project for South Africa’s national renewable energy purchasing programme (REIPPP). The site is located in an area where mining employment has declined significantly over the past 10 years and is in great need of alternative economic activity. Kaiser was involved in site selection, landowner relationship management, lease negotiation, management of environmental impact assessment, and other permitting processes. Kaiser has had a particular role on the socio-economic development planning aspects, including community and stakeholder consultation, needs assessment, opportunity identification, and assessment of potential implementation partners. The project was acquired by Globeleq in July 2014 and a bid was submitted in Round 4 of REIPPP.
The WWK JV has other sites under development, and Kaiser continues to be involved in new site development.